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Ein Buch für Kinder und Erwachsene zum Thema Rassismus

Reviewed in Germany on December 5, 2014


Schwarze Menschen in einer weißen Gesellschaft. wie fühlen sich Schwarze Kinder, wenn sie oder ihre Familien aufgrund ihres Aussehens "geargert" werden, von Weißen als " anders" wahrgenommen werden, mit rassistischen Wörtern bezeichnet werden. ein sehr einfühlsames Buch, das klar macht, wie sehr Rassismus verletzt, kränkt, bauchschmerzen macht. ein Buch das Schwarzen Kindern helfen kann, sich Verletzungen bewusst zu machen und damit umzugehen. Empowernment, unbedingt empfehlenswert:

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Presse : Press

Reviewed in the United States on June 30, 2019
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Great book for children who speak German to discuss how hurtful books can be when they use racist terms for people and discriminatory language. The family models what all parents seem to naturally do, which is cull through books that can be found offensive. I know that when I read the book referred to in the story I changed the title of the character's father to "Island King" rather than read the offensive term used by the author. I then discussed with my daughter why people would automatically want this stranger to lead them. That is because she was young. Nancy Della has done white German parents a favor by helping them to understand the perspective of the "others" for whom Germany is home. Hopefully this will help people to raise children who do not use such words to describe their classmates. I also appreciate that the school in which the twins attend is one which has both thoughtful and not so aware teachers, so that we can see what it must be like in each situation. All parents want their children's schools and teachers to treat them like valued human beings. Nancy's book models this situation.

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